Thursday, April 9, 2009

Being Humorous And Making Women Laugh Is A Science

You should know that humor is important for dating and laughter can swiftly open up a woman's heart. Whenever your interaction with a woman is a bit flat or if you happen to be in a difficult or embarrassing situation, you can always use humor to boost the dynamics or diffuse the tension.

And humor is a common trait of men who are good with women. It demonstrates confidence, a light outlook on life and the ability to have fun (together with others).

Unfortunately, not every man can be said to be humorous.

Sure, almost any man can crack a joke or two, but not every man can do it with consistency and make any woman laugh at any time, any place? Even worse, there's a common misconception claiming that humor is quality for a small group of "gifted" man. Some men think "I'm just not born to be funny guy. What can I possibly do?"

But the fact is, the "sense" of humor CAN be acquired through learning and practicing. Making women laugh is a science, because human beings' reactions to different types of "humor stimuli" are predictable, and there are tested-and-proven methods to match a piece of humor with a subject's education, personality, and cultural background to induce laughter.

Any man -- regardless of looks, intelligence, wealth, education, personality, cultural background, location, etc. -- can unleash his power of humor to make women laugh and fall in love. And it doesn't matter if you already have a good sense of humor, or if you frequently get "caught off guard" when certain dating situations demand funny and smart responses.

So here's the good news: Renowned dating coach Martin Merrill has specifically designed a course to train men how to be more humorous in dating. If you would like to be empowered with the ability to make any woman laugh at any time and any place, then you've got to check out this course. You can find out more by clicking on the following link:

Monday, April 6, 2009

8 Easy Ways To Make A Woman laugh

There are many men that want to make a woman laugh when they are around each other. This is a good way to make things more comfortable and to ease the tension between the two of them. This will help them feel good in each other’s company and it will make it easier to be around each other. Be sure that you are being a little silly and giving your best when it comes to making them laugh.

1. Jokes are a great choice to make a woman laugh.

This is a good second way to make a woman smile. You should think about the jokes that you are telling them. Be careful and do not go over board with the jokes that you tell. You want to be careful because you do not want to offend you can do and say in front of them and still make them comfortable with you.

2. Be you.

You will be surprised at what you can do with your own personality. Do not be afraid to be whom you are and you will be surprised at what will happen. You should not be afraid to do the things that you always do. You want to feel comfortable and be who you are with each other. You will be amazed at the fun that you will have because you are going to be able to express who you are and not worry about hiding anything from her. The laughs are sure to come when can feel comfortable with you and who you are.

3. Make things a little brighter when you are around each other.

Making the woman laugh can make the entire atmosphere a lot better for the both of you to be around. You will want to make them laugh about the things that you do. This is a very easy conversation that you can come up with so that you are making her laugh at you and the things that you do.

4. You can joke about a movie or television show that is on.

When you are watching a movie together, you can make the mood a little lighter if you make a joke about the characters or something on the screen. This is something that is easy to do and you will be able to make them laugh and feel good about being around you. This is a sure fire way to make the mood a little lighter and to get things rolling along.

5. You may want to try and tell a joke about life.

If you have made a mistake in life or done something that you think is silly, you can use this as a topic to make a joke about. It is not always a good idea to make you the blunt of the joke. You may want to keep it light and do not focal too much on the bad. Just pick something small and use this to make a great joke about what you did.

6. Do not make it a point to talk about someone else.

If there is something funny about someone or what they did, you can use this as a joke but you should not put too much attention on it. You do not want to make someone else look bad because this can make you look like a bad person and this is not the way that you want to make them laugh at all.

7. Do a funny dance or something that involves physical activity.

You should do something that makes you look good but will bring a smile to a woman’s face. This can be anything that you want as long as you do not hurt yourself or someone else. You can dance or jump around and do funny faces to make them laugh. This will show your personality and make a woman see whom you are inside and out.

8. Have a great time.

This is the one piece of advice that you can use for any woman and any reason. You should take the time to make every moment last. You want to make the woman feel like they are comfortable with you so that they can laugh with you and have good time like you have intended for them. You will see how fast she gets to be comfortable with you and how she will laugh at all the things that you want her to.

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Saturday, April 4, 2009

How to Make Women Laugh and Feel Attracted to You

Today I want to quickly cover a SIMPLE, but very effective technique that guys use to create attraction with the women you meet:


Whenever they do one of those polls asking what women want in a man, humor ALWAYS comes up in the top 3.

And if you looked carefully at any 'attract and seduce' course, you'll find that most of the information covers laughter and how it builds attraction.

Whether it's called cocky-funny, teasing, negging or sarcasm, HUMOR is critical to your success with women.

But many guys get it completely wrong when they try to be funny around women.

In order to get them laughing and attracted at the same time, you have to understand the principles. That's why it's important to follow these 4 RULES of humor:

=====> RULE #1: Don't be a Clown

Being funny NEVER means acting like a clown.

Acting this way will make you seem like you're doing a "Try Hard". This is when a guy is obviously trying to make a woman laugh.

This will lowers your social status and makes you seem like you're desperately seeking her approval. Furthermore, when you do slap-stickey humor, women will be laughing…

But it'll be AT you, not WITH you.

Sure, comedians can get women laughing, but they almost never get laid!

=====> RULE #2: Tease Her

5th Graders can be pretty smart sometimes. At this age, if a boy likes a girl, he'll pull her hair and call her names.

Now I don't recommend pulling her hair (for now), but TEASING women is probably the best way to use humor. This doesn't mean being a jerk. Instead it's about treating her in a way that shows you're NOT afraid to be yourself and tease her.

You can tease her by:

• Giving her a nickname
• Mocking her voice
• Playfully messing with the things she's saying

Teasing a woman is a great way to assume familiarity. If you just met her, and you're ALREADY teasing her, this can help you quickly break down that uncomfortable period where you're getting to know one another.

=====> RULE #3: Use Your Body Language

Look at the great comedians and you'll see a common pattern...They all know how to use their entire body to tell a joke. They'll make facial expressions, use props, gesture with their hands and use EVERYTHING they've got to make people laugh.

Again, you don't want to be a clown around women. But remember your BODY LANGUAGE can add congruence to the things you're saying. So as you're teasing her, you want to establish physical contact in a way that's showing that you're a guy who is not afraid to play around with her.

This can include:

• Playfully swatting her
• Pushing her away, then pulling her back into a hug
• Doing games like 'thumb war', and 'hand slapping'

The point here is to use your humor to break the touch barrier while making her laugh at the same time!

=====> RULE #4: Do Other Things

Humor should be a spice that flavors a conversation. It shouldn't be the main course.

When you're ONLY teasing and making women laugh, you're NOT showing the other parts of your personality. That's why it's important to do other things that'll help you build and maintain attraction.

So while you're making her laugh, you also want to:

• Establish physical contact
• Build deep rapport
• Tell stories
• Ask her questions

Doing all of these things will help you seem more well-rounded and interesting!

When it comes to creating attraction, humor can be your MOST effective tool when you're talking to a woman. So make sure you're getting it right! By following these 4 rules, you’ll create that fun, flirty vibe that’s always helps you get the girl.

Related Sites.

The Art Of Approaching Women.

Get Women To Approach You